Thursday 25 November 2010

Some news from the world

Tuesday morning was terrifying for the South Koreans.

North Korea attacked their northern border. They fired about 200 rockets at the South Korean island - Yeonpyeong. The victim answered fire with fire.

The accident didn't involve many people. 2 Korean soldiers died during the attack. But Yeonpyeong was damaged. Many houses were destroyed and the rockets started fires in the island.

As the S. Korean ministry said ''the attack was purposeful and planned. The shelling of Yeonpyeong was a clear breach of the ceasefire signed at the end of the war on the Korean Peninsula on the 27 July 1953''

The biggest countries in the world criticised the North Korean action.

But North Korea doesn't feel guilty. Pyongyang claimed that they were fired on by S Korean forces first.

But Seoul says that their fire was just an exercise. They said that they fired to the west, not to North.

So who was the attacker?

And what do you think about this conflict?



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ich hab' das auf Deutsch geschriebien, weil du das mochtest ;p
hab angenehm gespräch on skype ;)

Pilar Pérez said...

It's really sad to see how little we are in front of some countries and their despise for human life. It seems everything is fine to accomplish one's purposes.

Milena said...

I'm proud of you Paweł ;p