Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Our hobbies by Andrea, Sara, Ivan and Alex


Mònica Villanueva Benet said...

Good job boys and girls!!!!
Sara: driving those cars looks quite scary but also exciting!
Andrea: reading is also one of my hobbies.
Alex: maybe you can tell us more about your skateboarding tricks on the blog. What about showing us your skills on a video?
Ivan: I really want to see your landscapes. You have to show your talent on the blog
Keep up the great work!!!

Anonymous said...

Good presentation!

Sara:I like see in the TV drive those cars!
Andrea: I don't mind reading, because there are a lot of good books.
Alejandro: I really like skate, and every month you and me go to Francesc Lairet!
Ivan : I like drawing to.

Mònica, we (alex and me) can do a video with our skills on the skate!

veronica said...

your presentation is very good , I love your video !!!

Pauett said...

It's a very good presentation, and I also like reading and I do marial arts too; and the cars... are very funny.