Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Social Groups in our city

This is a presentation by two girls in 2nd Batx in our school. They aren't members of our blog. However, as the topic is attractive and they've done a good job, I think you may all be interested in watching it. Enjoy it!!!!


Soniita said...

Monica, I think that you should repit the work because the word: This is in bad position. " a pesar " that your work is very interesting and original for the people that don't know our town !
One kiss daughter :)

Soniita said...

Jjajajaj it's a jog Monica ! :)

Mònica Villanueva Benet said...

Sorry, Sonia, but I don't understand a word of what you're trying to say!!!!

sergitoo said...

very good presentation i like very much

Soniita said...

Don't worry Monica it's a very stupid jog, millor que no l'entenguis ( I don't know how can I say it )...

Anonymous said...

I really like your presentation about social groups. This video have a lot of reason about the groups.

Good job!

Iván Torrubia said...

wow! Is very extravagant people!

laura said...

very interesting project!! I like it very much!

Xavi said...

It's very good, is a long presentation! ;)

andreiita said...

I like your work, it's really interesting, y like emo style.
It's curious the diference about socia groups!

Pauett said...

Wow! it's very ingenious. I like because it's true all the video. Very good

claudia said...

Very good presentation !!!
It's very interesting !!!

Jordi Pomares said...

I really like the video but what is the song?